New Podcast Focused on the History of Black Policing Debuts on June 15, 2024
Two former career police officers have taken a stand to change the paradigm of modern policing with a new podcast, Policing from a Black Perspective (PFABP). Former officers Craig Howard and Charles Yarbaugh created a podcast to share their experiences as black policemen and speak out about issues they see with policing today. With more than 50 years of combined experience, they offer relevant, insightful, and potentially transformative perspectives.

Howard, a former Assistant Police Chief with 27 years of experience, and Yarbaugh, a former S.W.A.T. Team Leader and training officer with more than 30 years of experience, partnered for this podcast out of concern about the direction of modern policing and the lack of trust between communities of color the police.
“Our mission is not to glorify law enforcement but rather to highlight issues we see in how policing is done today,” said Yarbaugh. “Our goal is to help restore the trust between communities and the police, particularly in communities of color.”
As a former staff training officer for the

Metropolitan Police District of Columbia Police Academy, Yarbaugh said he has seen significant issues with policing today that he attributes to relaxed hiring, training, and discipline standards, which tend to impact the public negatively.
Howard brings a perspective from police leadership, which he says needs to be flexible and changed when necessary.
“The paradigm of policing is being eroded by several issues such as a historical lack of trust and transparency by the police towards the community, and toxic discipline standards that allow bad policing to continue,” said Howard. “There is a significant need for reform, which starts with the leadership.”
With the increase in video coverage from social media and the numbers of alleged police brutality cases, it is clear that reforms are needed across the board, added Howard.
The Mission of Policing from a Black Perspective Podcast is to spark honest dialogue that will restore the “chest of goodwill” between communities of color and law enforcement that has been negatively impacted by sensationalized media coverage, relaxed training, hiring, and discipline standards along with toxic public policy, thereby reversing the overwhelmingly negative impact of policing within communities of color.

Pursuant to the mission statement, PFABP will share its experiences and perspectives while also examining issues such as racism in policing, police militarization, and police training and recruitment, among other relevant topics. Episode 1 will air on June 15 at 1 p.m. on YouTube and Facebook and highlight the History of Black Policing in honor of many of the first black police officers in various cities nationwide.
To learn more about this podcast, visit our website at or email for media requests, questions, or show ideas. All episodes will air on and YouTube.